The journey begins...

Currently, the development of the Trevla app has just started. Between October 2023 and December 2024, we will begin searching and opening opportunities for any investors who would like to participate in making Trevla a success. Preseed funds are required to finance blockchain development, token release and app development.

If successful in getting investors, then all the development will be implemented which starts with developers collab from various countries.

The estimated completion of development (minimum progress of 80%) is in Mar or April 2025. Between those months, we will appoint initial users who would like to volunteer as beta testers.

After completing the beta test, our app will be launched to the public starting in May 2025.

And between the months of May and June 2025, will be the time when the wallet and in-app purchases fully functional 100%. This is also the beginning of integration with other well-known metasearch engines around the world.

At the end of 2026, we estimate a total of 5 million Trevla app users. Of this amount, an estimated 200,000 are stakeholders*

*does not include those who earn Trev coins freely.

Last updated